Deborah Healey's Attic : Tunisia 2010: Assessment


ABCD - behavioral objectives

Working with a partner, look at the information about behavioral objectives

Read through "Classifying Objectives" (revised Bloom’s; being observable):

Create a behavioral objective for an activity in one lesson. Peer-critique the objective: does it have all four elements? Is it observable and measurable?

Create another behavioral objectives, this time at a different (preferably higher) level of Bloom's taxonomy. Peer-critique the objective: is it appropriate? Does it have all four elements? Is it observable and measurable?


Other approaches

Interactive Lectures: A Summary of 36 Formats - brief descriptions of a variety of techniques to add spice and interactivity to a class. These provide alternative forms of assessment:

Reflective blog - create a blog on Blogger: (handout in PDF format)

Outcomes: Performance criteria

Working as a group, begin to design performance criteria for a lesson and outcomes for a course. If you use behavioral objectives, assessment is much easier.


Creative Commons License
Deborah's Attic by Deborah Healey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at
| © 2020 Deborah Healey

Last updated 14 February 2010