ELI 162
Model Answer


  1. The phrases to avoid are in bold.

    Downlut believes the Brady Bill trespasses on the rights of law-abiding citizens, and is therefore inconsistent with the Constitution, because it imposes a waiting period on exercising the right to own guns. (Bender, 1995: 137)

  2. Ideas to include:
    • This is Downlut's idea.
    • The Brady Bill goes against citizens' rights.
    • The Brady Bill doesn't fit the Constitution.
    • People have a right to own guns.
    • People shouldn't have to wait for their rights, such as the right to own a gun.
  3. Model answer (yours may be different and still be correct!) How did you do?
    According to Downlut, people shouldn't have to wait for their rights, including the right to own a gun. Because the Brady Bill makes people wait to own a gun, it goes against citizens' rights and doesn't fit the Constitution.

Go back to the paraphrasing exercise.

Last updated 1 December 1996 by D.Healey, Deborah.Healey@orst.edu.