FLTEACH (Foreign Language Teaching Forum), an e-mail discussion list - http://www.cortland.edu/flteach/
LLTI-L: A linguistics/second language acquisition mailing list - http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/IALL/LLTI.html
Lingua@Net - Language resources online for many languages, including a mailing list for teachers; an excellent place to start looking for language-specific resources - http://www.linguanet.org.uk/websites/index.htm
Lists of other FL resources - http://www.cortland.edu/flteach/flteach-res.html - including media, dictionaries, clipart, and other teacher resources
Less Commonly Taught Languages - http://carla.acad.umn.edu/lctl/lctl.html
National Foreign Language Resource Center - http://www.nflrc.hawaii.edu/
iLoveLanguages, formerly The Human Languages Page -- Tyler Chambers's list of language related Internet resources has gone commercial. Still, it's a good place to look for resources for lesser-taught languages - http://www.ilovelanguages.com/
the Virtual CALL Library - shareware in a variety of languages - http://www.sussex.ac.uk/languages/1-6-6.html
Foreign Language Fonts at YLC - http://babel.uoregon.edu/Yamada/fonts.html
Keypals for students from Kenji Kitao - http://www1.doshisha.ac.jp/~kkitao/online/www/keypal.htm
Nicenet for online discussion - http://www.nicenet.org - free; includes online discussion, calendar
Yahoo Groups - http://groups.yahoo.com/ - create your own class group; includes online discussion, surveys, calendar
IECC - http://www.iecc.org/ - teachers find email partners for class projects
Language exchange partners - http://www.slf.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/ (a well-established site) and http://www.mylanguageexchange.com/ (a newer site) – individual language exchanges. You could use these in a more formal way, as well, depending on the individual you find
Blogger - http://www.blogger.com - create web logs (there are many other options for blog sites, as well)
PodoMatic – http://www.podomatic.com – create podcasts (audio journaling)
Chat – SecondLife at www.secondlife.com for a sophisticated, 3-D world (you need to download software to use this); many other chat sites. L.E.C.S. at http://home.kanto-gakuin.ac.jp/~taoka/lecs is set up for classroom use (Japanese or English interface)
Online surveys at www.getfast.ca , www.opinionpower.com , www.response-o-matic.com
Hot Potatoes for creating exercises - http://web.uvic.ca/hrd/hotpot/ - download this to run it
Online Quiz Generator from Charles Kelly - http://a4esl.org/c/qw.html
PuzzleMaker - http://puzzlemaker.school.discovery.com/ - a variety of puzzles; store them online
Action Mazes - http://oregonstate.edu/~healeyd/ups/actionmaze.html; some example mazes are at http://www.halfbakedsoftware.com/quandary_tutorials_examples.php
University of Victoria's Language Teaching Clipart Library - about 3000 images for basic vocabulary, designed to be culturally neutral
Barry Bakin's ESL Action Photos - available only for educational use, these are photos depicting basic actions
Clip Art Searcher at http://www.webplaces.com/search/
Clip Art Connection for searchable images at http://www.clipartconnection.com/
Lots of animated graphics at http://www.webplaces.com/html/animations.htm - these are only good viewed on a web page or in a PowerPoint presentation so you can see the motion
Babelfish - http://babelfish.altavista.com/translate.dyn - translate phrases or whole web sites, then have students find the mistakes
E.L. Easton's vast compendium of links - lots of good links for language teachers, including http://eleaston.com/materials.html, http://eleaston.com/spanish.html, http://eleaston.com/french.html
Bilingual quizzes (many different languages) from ITESL-J - http://iteslj.org/v/
Vocabulary training in English, French, German, and Spanish - http://www.vokabel.com/
A brief list of foreign travelers' phrases - http://www.gorin.com/phrase/
Jim Becker's Super Language Website - http://www.uni.edu/becker/ - Spanish | Chinese | French | German | Japanese | Portuguese | Italian | Russian| Hindi| Arabic| Latin | TESOL/ESL |
Volterre-Fr Newsletter - http://www.wfi.fr/volterre/ (also by email; write to Linda Thalman, thalman@wfi.fr)
A sampling of links from Volterre-Fr includes
Coups de coeur - http://www.wfi.fr/volterre/coups.htmlEL Easton - French - http://eleaston.com/french.html - lots of links, needs lots of teacher work
Apprentissage: CD-ROM, videos, logiciels,... - http://www.wfi.fr/volterre/apprentisage.html
Congres en France - http://www.wfi.fr/volterre/conf.html
Courrier Electronique: Forums - http://www.wfi.fr/volterre/keypals.html
Super Improved French Websites - http://www.uni.edu/becker/french3.html - links by topic/activity
Real Audio clips to teach French - http://philae.sas.upenn.edu/French/french.html
French search engines - www.google.fr , www.voila.fr , www.wanadoo.fr, http://perso.orange.fr/f.bourdet/french_search2.html (portal for access to sites by type), http://www.kartoo.com/index.php3?langue=fr (takes a while to load; a very different format)
Terra site with many activities - http://www.terra.es/ - news, sports, horoscopes, search engine for Spanish sites, and more
Don Quixote - online courses (commercial) plus many free activities at http://www.donquijote.org/free/
Grupo de Estructuras de Datos y Linguistica Computational - http://www.gedlc.ulpgc.es/ - use this to find word derivations and conjugations, as well as links to computational linguistics in Spanish. Good for teachers or advanced students.
EL Easton's site with links - http://eleaston.com/spanish.html - this includes links to exercises that go with textbooks. Some of the other selections are below and in the For Spanish Students section:
El Dia de los Muertos webquest - http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/6177/muertos.html
Hispanic culture webquest - http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/6676/
Spanish search engines - telemundo.yahoo.com, www.google.es, http://www.vea.com/ (directory- search by category)
Vocabulary exercises - http://www.vokabel.com/
Free basic-level multimedia Spanish course - no registration required. Additional exercises are planned in future. - http://www.mansionspanish.com/
Self-study Spanish with vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation exercises - http://www.studyspanish.com/
From EL Easton's Spanish site: Self-placement test - http://www.allspanish.net/allspanish/test/
A variety of quizzes, all in Spanish - http://www.indiana.edu/~call/ejercicios.html
Quizzes on Spanish grammar - http://www.trinity.edu/mstroud/grammar/
Kiersey personality test in Spanish (fun!) - http://keirsey.com/span1.html
Hangman (with JavaScript, so slow) - http://www.sonic.net/~star/juliana.html
La Familia - http://cvc.cervantes.es/aula/matdid/vocabulario/familia/
Crucigramas - http://www.el-mundo.es/pasatiempos/crucigramas/
Super Improved Spanish Websites - http://www.uni.edu/becker/Spanish3.html - links by topic/activity
Learn Spanish Online - a commercial site with some useful exercises, including a free six-unit lesson set. - http://www.rocketspanish.com/
Spanish Language Plus - http://www.languageplus.com.au/S_Index.php - free registration; lots of activitiesDutch language information - http://www.dutchlanguage.info - Dutch language schools, dictionary, words and other resource
Hindi page - http://philae.sas.upenn.edu/Hindi/hindi.html
German news in German - http://www.germnews.de/
German news in English - http://www.germnews.de/dn/
Various newsgroups by country - http://babel.uoregon.edu/yamada/news.html