Computer and Internet Tools for Elementary and Secondary Teachers

2001 ORTESOL Conference

Why use computer and Internet tools?

Remediation or supplemental instruction for individual students

Students use websites and computer programs with specific tasks set by the teacher, and with outcomes and accountability understood by the students

Examples: specific grammar or vocabulary work; home language information about a class topic; readings with audio, like "Just Grandma and Me" and "Arthur's Teacher Trouble"

Enhancements for classes or groups of students

Teacher or assistant will find sites and programs that fit the curriculum and weave those into class tasks

Examples: Students create their own websites to share; students work with keypals on projects; students create exercises for other students to work on; teachers use extra information, including sound and video clips, from web pages or CD-ROMs

Core instructional medium

Set of tasks performed over time to meet a curricular goal, either for individuals or for groups of students - a syllabus is key

Examples: word-processing and keypals for writing; grammar programs like Focus on Grammar; vocabulary programs; speed reading and other reading programs

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Last updated October 18, 2001 by D. Healey,