Deborah Healey's Attic: Tools for Teachers and Students

Tools for Teachers and Students

TESOL Technology Standards

Teacher Goal 2: To integrate pedagogical knowledge and skills with technology to enhance language teaching and learning

Teacher Goal 4: To use technology to improve communication, collaboration, and efficiency

Vocabulary tools (Goal 2: Pedagogy)

LexTutor: - inductive vocabulary and grammar; authentic examples for teachers

VisuWords (visual thesaurus): - a graphic view of words

Google Tools (Goal 2: Pedagogy; Goal 4: Communication)

Engaging resources for writing/discussion (Goal 2: pedagogy; Goal 4: communication)


Save your sites – social bookmarking (Goal 4: efficiency)

Review from the previous workshop


Contact Deborah - dhealey at uoregon dot edu | © 2010 Deborah Healey
Last updated 13 October 2011