ELI 162

by Deborah Healey

--Information gathering--

Start by writing the answers to these questions:


The summary must include the author's name and the title of the piece somewhere within the summary, not just at the top or the end of the page.
The full bibliographic citation, including year, place of publication, and publisher should be at the top or bottom of the page. See information about citations.

Remember--a summary gives the author's point of view, not yours. Don't add anything to the summary that wasn't in the original!


  1. Do the author's name and the title appear somewhere in the body of the summary?
  2. Is the bibliographic citation at the top or bottom of the page?
  3. Is the main idea clear and accurate?
  4. Are there a few supporting details--enough to be clear, but usually not as many as the original?
  5. Have you changed the grammar and vocabulary of each sentence so that nothing is copied directly from the original?
  6. Did you make sure the summary includes ONLY information that was in the original?


How well did you understand the concepts and points in this lesson? (Select the closest appropriate option from the three buttons below):

Very Well
Not Sure
Not at all

Provide some comments about your experience in working through this exercise (e.g. I need help, it was okay, etc.) Please be sure to explain your comments.

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(Thanks to Jon Dorbolo for the inspiration behind this form!)

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Last updated 9 September 1999 by D.Healey, Deborah.Healey@orst.edu.