
ELI 138X

English Pronunciation: Course Description

Deborah Healey, English Language Institute, Oregon State University

Basic information

Instructor: Deborah Healey. You can call me Deborah or Dr. Healey, as you prefer.

Office: Snell 322
Office hours: Wednesdays 3:00-4:00 or stop by the office and see if I'm in. Make an appointment to be sure.

Class Time: Tues Thurs 3:30-4:50


Course Description

This course is a combination of group and individual work on pronunciation. We will work on the basic sound structure of the English language and techniques for practice and self-monitoring. You will do some work independently, some with a partner, and some with a small group. We will use resources in the Learning Center, on the Internet, and in the community to help you help yourself. Videotaping, audiotaping, songs, speeches, and interviews will be part of the activities.


Links to pronunciation websites

12-Step Pronunciation Program

Last updated 4 July 2010 by Deborah Healey