Deborah Healey's Attic : Pronunciation

Interesting websites for pronunciation practice

This page used some information from Sunburst Media's Pronunciation Web Resources, a very comprehensive list at, as a basis for this much shorter list. The goal is to focus on sites that are good and easy for students to use.

Very interesting, but you need a relatively fast connection

Okanaga's English Pronunciation at has a series of activities. Start with the introduction, then try the tongue twisters and dictation exercises. It works on th sounds, l and r, long e and short i, s/sh/ch, j and zh, v and w, and short a and short e.

Diphthong Calculator by Steve Chadwick is at This lets you put vowel sounds together to end up with a dipthong.

Okay for people with modest speed

The American Speechsounds website has some free activities, as well as support for SpeechCom software and online help for language learners. Some help is free, but more detailed advice is available for a fee.

Adam Rado's English Learning Fun Center is a commercial site, but you can try some pronunciation activities at for free. To get more, you need to sign up for a free subscription.

You can sing along with Online Karaoke at This requires a free registration. You can save your singing and have it rated by others online - a little competition and interaction.

Charles Kelly's American English Pronunciation Practice has a number of minimal pairs and other practice lessons at They require Flash v4 or higher to run. Students will need to select the appropriate lesson from the list. Included are practice lessons minimal pairs, using mp3 files, as well as tongue twisters and a couple of songs.

Eva Easton offers a number of interesting pronunciation exercises at They require the RealAudio player. Try these to start:

Greetings - reduction
Stress patterns

Okay for anyone - text files

English Club at has explanations in simple language for many pronunciation issues.

Tongue Twisters

The English Pronunciation Test at will drive you crazy if you work on it too long. Use it little by little, and try to see the joke!

For Teachers:

David Dalton's ITESL-J article, Some Techniques for Teaching Pronunciation, offers classroom activities for teaching pronunciation.

Deborah's 12-Step Pronunciation Program - a nod to the masters of psychology and self-help.

Creative Commons License
Deborah's Attic by Deborah Healey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at
| © 2020 Deborah Healey

Last updated 6 May 2020